illGill/Chozo_Ninpo -- Church of Fudge!

illgill (aka William Gillis) and Chozo_Ninpo (aka Porchmonkey) have teamed up with a slew of artists for their RPM 2009 release CHURCH OF FUDGE! Did I tell you that I love illGill's music? I'm always excited when he puts out new songs.

Featuring: Don Vito, Attackslug, Gabriel, MC Loki, MC Coolwhip, Mister b., Funky49, MC 8-Bit, King Pheenix, and Fatty Goodness and more!

It's a rickety ride through hell and back, surely. I can't say for sure though because I am currently downloading it myself, but I'm assuming it's going to be awesome. If you're not aware, RPM is a challenge in which artists have one month to create an album from scratch.

So I'm listening to it and it's wicked so far. What I like the most is that there are special guest appearances I didn't know about, including Tripp Vomit, a Los Angeles emcee I met during West Coast Wig Out, but I haven't gotten to hear any of his recorded work until now. He's dope.

Also, illGill sounds wicked, and Chozo opens with a wicked verse on Losing Control. Awesome, and nice to hear from him again.
Download it. Seriously. It's free!!!!

illgill official website
download link!

(I know this post may seem half-assed but that's only because today is the first day in my life that I've had a real job and I worked from 9:00am until 5:00pm today and woke up at 5:30am this morning. So... to be completely honest, I'm very tired.)


D-Form said...

Welcome to the workforce. Your life will never be the same.

This album had some good tracks and best of all it's free.

illgill said...

Thanks for the half assery!

John James said...

illgill: no problem, anytime. You let me know before you release anything again and I'll do up an article on you.

D-Form: Two things. I'm glad I've finally joined the workforce, and I think this job is going to be awesome. Also, I'm glad you check in here on the blog. You keep me updated on your releases too.