(Legendary Wizard: Before you read this, I wanted to spout some knowledge; Th' Mole is an awesome dude, I gave his album Whirled Fusion a quick review when it came out and he's been nothing but cool to me, so when he asked if I'd publish this article, naturally I hopped on it. Hopefully he'll be writing more articles for LHH in the future, but for now, please enjoy! I thought it'd be nice to kick of the new year with a guest writer... check the links after each description and support some real underground music!)In no particular order, these people have all helped me out a lot, for no particular reason, which is extremely rare to find in this self-centered art biz.
Hectic Recs - Based in Netherlands, run by Jorrit Hompe. Jorrit has done a lot for me, from helping to release my first vinyl (yay!) to booking tons of awesome shows across Europe, including opening slots for legends like DJ Krush, Venetian Snares, etc.
Link!Anti-Party Music - Another record label, based in Finland, run by Tommi, AKA Eevil Stoo, who is horrible about returning e-mail and therefore not very much in touch with me anymore. But even though we don't converse much these days, I will never forget the awesome treatment I received 2004-2006, from awesome shows with Orko and the Birdy Gang, to the Organopolis EP cassette release, making a little nobody like me feel very special.
Link!Dis.eased Wrekkids - Run by the homie William, this little start-up label has been very supportive, featuring me in the super cool Healing Cancer zine and CD compilation, distributing my releases, and offering sage advice. Also, this dude has done us Westerners the huge favor of importing the music of Homicide, a very cool politically-minded noise rap group from Indonesia.
Link!Mochipet & Daly City Records - Astonishingly, I've come to find that Daly City Records is run almost completely by Mochipet, AKA my savior. In the past Mochipet has helped me out by booking me at shows, and collaborating on several songs. I'm very happy about my new relationship with this label, and I hope that it will make me filthy rich!!
Link!S.P.A.Z. - The Semi-Permanent Autonomous Zone is a very loosely organized collective of artists, thinkers, veggie buses, and soundsystems, based mainly in the Bay Area, and has warmly embraced me. S.P.A.Z. magically mutates, adapts, contracts and expands with bare-bones funding and volunteer participation. When I am rich and famous I hope to make S.P.A.Z. my touring crew.
Link!5lowershop - The 5lowershop warehouse collective (based in S.F.) is the demon-haunted, drug-addicted offspring of S.P.A.Z., well-known for showcasing the best in loud and dirty electronic music. They are sort of dark and creepy but we get along well, for some reason. Shout out to Heartworm.
Link!Otherworld - Another warehouse/soundystem collective, based in Oakland. I used to live in the same warehouse and we have continued to do shows and hang out since then. These guys know how to do underground electronic events correctly, and they are nice!
Sugarbunni - This girl has helped me a lot by booking me at various events. We were doing a monthly event for a while, which quickly deteriorated cause we had trouble working together in that capacity, but we have remained relatively close even through sour times, and I will be forever grateful for all her help.
Link!Chrome Kids - This is a blog. My man, The Kaptin, has been super supportive of me recently, going far above and beyond the usual amount of engagement between press and artists. Again, this dude was just some stranger who decided to help me, and this is ever-so-rare for me, so I really appreciate it.
Link!Nomar Slevik - He's a rapper, based in Portland, Maine, who I've known, only via internet, for about 7 years now, and we've done a lot of collaborating and conversing. This is one rare dude that I know I can count on, whether I need to borrow money, get some quality mastering, or I just need an instant message shoulder to cry on.